Thanks to all who send their Redner’s cash register receipts to the shelter. We redeem them for cash. To sign up for this program, go to the Redner’s Customer Service Desk to obtain a Save-A-Tape card. By using this card each time you purchase merchandise at Redner’s Warehouse Markets, your receipt will be designated as a Save-A-Tape customer receipt. You can give your collected receipts to Animals In Distress.
Keep those tapes coming! They are providing a nice stream of income, since we receive 1% of the tapes’ totals, excluding sales tax, milk and cigarette items.
Through the “1% Save-A-Tape” program, Redner’s Markets offers local schools, churches, youth sports teams and other non-profit organizations a way to raise money by collecting register receipts for a 1% rebate on all collected receipts. Through this program alone, Redner’s has donated over 1 million dollars to more than 3,000 non-profit organizations.